For many bakers, pricing is one of the most challenging things. We understand that our prices may seem high at times, but they reflect the quality ingredients, time, effort, skill & business expenses that go into creating each of our products.
Price can be an indication of quality. This is most certainly true for our products--better taste & better for your body.
Time is one of our most precious resources, & once spent, can't be regained. We kindly ask you to value the time, care & dedication that goes into each creation.
To continue bringing you the quality & tastes of Baked With A Blessing, it's essential that we charge what is necessary to sustain our business. It's important to us to be available to bless you.
You can also save yourself the hassle of buying full-sized baking ingredients you may only use once. We've done all the shopping for you, so you can enjoy fresh, homemade treats without the extra effort! Relax & enjoy!
What goes into costs: * Tools, pans, mixing, pealing & grinding equipment (which need replacing) * Premium ingredients * Paper towel, dish towels, surface cleaners, green laundry soap, green kitchen soap, garbage bags, parchment paper, plastic wrap & bags, foil, plastic gloves, hot pads * Packaging: Cupcake wrappers, containers, labels, forks, sample cups, ribbons, carrying bags, forks * Office supplies * Giving back * Loss: baked goods that need to be remade * Utilities & gasoline * Media: Domaines, website hosting, professional email addresses, software, apps, digital storage & media equipment * Vending equipment: Props, signage, tents, tablecloths * Continuous training & business group * Business licensing * Payment processing fees * Vendor event fees * Advertising * Profit margin so that your company has something to grow with * Labor costs * Paying our own social security benefits
Labor: * Communications & quoting * Creating menus & costing * Creating shopping lists & checking inventory * Grocery shopping (3-4 stores average for each dessert) * Kitchen prepping * Mixing, baking, overseeing, cooling, packaging * Mixing colored frostings (very time consuming for deep colors) * Storing made items * Cleaning & Laundry * Advertising, Social media marketing, Networking * Continuous training & trend watching * Recipe creating * Accounting * THOUSANDS of hours of technical software changes/issues